Secondhand News

Monday, May 31, 2010

May 30, 2010

We've have a very busy few days and got some much needed rest today. I've got a "story" to share about some "friends" of ours that had a wild adventure yesterday. Yesterday, Bustin, Ballison, Bisty, and Bom got an early start to make it to Bocahontas County for their cousin, Besse's graduation. Bom has been down there two times before and Bustin and Ballison claimed that they had driven by the school on the way to their annual camping trip, so Bisty didn't see much need to print off directions... That was her first mistake. The trip should have taken approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes, and 4 hours later they were still driving aimlessly around Bocahontas County looking for the high school. The second mistake was listening to the lady with the brain tumor for directions. Every road they turned onto she claimed that she was sure this was the right way and that something looked familiar. Needless to say, she wasn't sure and every road in Bocahontas County resembles another place she's been before. If laughter truly is the best medicine, none of them should ever be sick again! They laughed so hard about listening to Bom and how sure she was that we were going the right direction, only to discover again, that they weren't. They stopped at a gas station to ask for directions, but it was closed. On one of the wrong turns, Ballison turned around and nearly ran through a fence. When Bisty told her that all of these incidents would be shared on the blog, she laughed so hard she nearly drove off the road, again. Someone decided to turn around and drive back towards Green Bank, hoping to find someone who could direct us toward the high school. Finally, they found a gas station that wasn't closed and got direction. Needless to say, they missed graduation, but were able to find the location of the after-graduation party! On the way back, they stopped into Boalton to visit Ballison's family briefly before heading home. A great time way had by all, or so they told me.

Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28, 2010

Okay, for the full account of yesterday and today. Wow, what a long couple days it has been for all of us. We were to be in Pittsburgh at UPMC Presbyterian for a consultation with Dr. Lunsford and his staff to discuss Mom's options and the gamma knife procedure. The University hospital system was very impressive and the care and concern they showed towards Mom and our family is commendable. We arrived to the hospital and spent very little time in the waiting room. Once in an exam room we met with Dr. Jones, one of Dr. Lunsford's colleagues, who spent a great deal of time looking over Mom's case, as she was very familiar with the procedures and treatments she had already had and when she had had them. She spoke at length about the gamma knife procedure and did well to explain exactly what was going to take place, as well as any side effects or risks associated with the procedure. We then met with another of the gamma knife specialists, who further explained the procedure and answered any more questions we had. Next, a nurse came in to explain the admissions and pre-op procedures. Finally, we met Dr. Lunsford, who again explained what would happen with the procedure and spent time answering any final questions we had. We were finished within an hour, feeling very comfortable with and confident about what was to come. It was an answer to our prayers to be able to receive treatment from such professional and competent physicians. Dr. Lunsford brought gamma knife to the United States from Sweden, has been performing the procedure since 1987, and is the best gamma knife surgeon in the United States, and one of the best in the world! Makes you feel much more comfortable about putting your life in someone else's hands.

Based on the information they explained to us, the gamma knife is stereotactic radiosurgery, meaning that the radiation laser is very precise and concentrated to a very specific area rather than the general area of treatment of the radiation she had previously. The beam is very focused and will treat only the abnormal areas of the brain. In Mom's case, she had an MRI minutes before her procedure and all abnormal areas of the brain that appeared on the MRI would be treated with the procedure. This would include tumor cells, swelling, and a 1-inch border around this area in an attempt to cut off the blood vessels that are feeding the tumors, causing them to shrivel up and die. The theory behind the treatment is that the radiation will "zap" tumor cells just like a surgeon going in and removing them; however, the gamma knife is a non-invasive procedure that doesn't affect normal brain tissue in treatment resulting in a much smaller injury to the brain. Once these cells are "zapped" they should die and there's a very small chance of needing surgery to remove the necrotic tissue. What should occur is that the body's normal healing process will take over and the dead cells with be reabsorbed into the body, similar to how the body naturally heals a bruise. The risks to this procedure are relatively small, with a chance of having brain swelling due to the healing process, and headaches due to the halo that they put on the head for the procedure. They did explain that there is a chance that the treatment will not be effective, but because only the abnormal cells are receiving the radiation, gamma knife can be performed again as a treatment option as many times as needed.

Mom arrived to the hospital at 5:50 this morning and was given a sedative to calm her and make her comfortable throughout the procedure. A helmut or halo was screwed into her head, and then she was taken to have the MRI. At about 8:40 they called to the waiting room to tell us that she was ready to have the procedure done and it would take about 40 minutes. At a little before 10:00 they came and got us in the waiting room to tell us she was finished and we could sit with her in the recovery room. When we got there, she was alert and eating a snack. We sat and talked with her for about an hour. During this time Dr. Lunsford came in and told us that everything went just as planned, and that she would need a follow-up MRI in 6-10 weeks. We will be able to do all of the follow-up appointments in Morgantown through Ruby with Dr. Torres. We were then free to go and got on the road to head home no later than noon.

When we got back home we had some lunch and then settled in for naps, as it had been a long and tiresome day. I had to work this evening at Michaels and Mom felt well enough that she wanted to come along and attend the monthly crop, so she and Allison joined me at work. We've since put her to bed for the evening, as she has big plans to attend our cousin, Jesse's graduation from Pocahontas County High School tomorrow. While we're down that way, we're planning to stop by and visit the Mastrogiuseppe's, as well. It will be another long day, but as long as Mom feels up to going, I suppose we'll be taking her. It's a blessing that she has the desire to go, so we're happy to assist.

I will continue to provide updates as she recovers. Continue to remember us in your prayers, as well as giving thanks for the miracles and healing that God has already performed! Thanks to all of you for all your concern and support. We feel very fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family!

May 28, 2010

We're home! The procedure was is complete with no complications. I promise to give more details later, but I've got to work tonight. Mom is feeling great and is going to the crop at Michaels tonight. I'll update either tonight or tomorrow night. Thank God for his many blessings and the watching care he provides to all of us!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 26, 2010

Tomorrow we'll be traveling to Pittsburgh for an appointment with the doctor who will perform Mom's Gamma Knife procedure on Friday morning. I'll try to get something posted Thursday and/or Friday. I know it will be all good news to share! Please keep us in your prayers and thank God for the things He's going to do for Mom!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

May 20, 2010

UPMC called today and we're scheduled for a consultation and Gamma Knife next Thursday and Friday. Mom will meet with the doctor on Thursday at 11:00, then have the treatment Friday morning at 6:00 a.m. Please pray that this treatment is effective and that we're well on our way to a full recovery. Tomorrow is another day full of appointments with labs and infusion.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19, 2010

This update is just to let you know that there's no news. We're still waiting to hear from UPMC, and when we hear something I'll update here. Mom has started another round of Timidar that will last 21 days. It arrived on Friday, so she's just six days in. She's feeling good and is on the go whenever there is going to do. She has appointments on Friday and Dad is off, so he'll be taking her.

My renters' house is nearly ready for them to move into, so they're planning on being out of my house by the beginning of June. They plan to do most of their moving Memorial Day weekend, so I should be able to get some things started in the next couple weeks. I've already started my "to do" list and my IKEA wishlist!

I begin most mornings by stopping into my friend Donna's classroom. I enjoy seeing the kids and the love they show every time I see them. There's seldom a day that goes by that those kids don't make me smile and remind me of why I'm in this profession. Today, I stopped in earlier than I generally do and there were just a couple kids in the room. A little girl brought me over a flower and said it was for me from Brett. :) Everyone should have a place they can go to make them smile! Thanks, Donna, for sharing your place with me. Sometimes we need to be reminded of how pure and simple loving one another can be. Kids are often the best reminder!

Sunday, May 09, 2010

May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day, especially to my Mom, who is an inspiration every day! Mom had an appointment on Friday. It was a long day for her, starting out with an MRI at 7:15, doctor appointments, and followed by her infusion treatment that she was unable to take last week. Her platelets were 46 last week, making her unable to take the infusion; however, thankfully she was back up to the 200's Friday. Her MRI results showed that there is little change in Cain and Abel from the images last month and Dr. Torres felt that the gamma knife treatment would be the best option right now. Because Dr. Harshbarger is a jerk and the machine is being upgraded, we will be making a trip to UPMC for consultation and gamma knife treatment. Dr. Torres told that UPMC brought gamma knife to the United States, so it is our thinking that they are the best. We're expecting to make that trip within the next couple weeks. Pray for Mom's healing according to God's will.

Following treatment, Mom came to work at Michaels with me and did some scrapbooking while I did some Mother's Day events at the store. We had a busy Saturay, as well. I did a jewelry event at the McGrew House for the CPMS band boosters and Mom helped out a while there. Justin and Allison were over for the day, cooked dinner, and then headed to Coalton. We finished up the evening with game night up at Uncle Delmas and Aunt Ann's. Joanna was in for the weekend, Paul & Shelly had the kids over, and we had a great time laughing until we cried playing Apples to Apples.

Dad is finishing up his final night of night shift tonight, so we're having a relaxing afternoon here at the house. Plans are still in the works for Mother's Day dinner.

I've been bombarded with messages of talents and God-given gifts in my devotions and again this morning on the radio. The minister was delivering a sermon on utilizing the talents God has provided us to help others. He went on to say that "everyone is able to do something." So I felt that was a good message to share. Maybe you can't do everything for everyone, but you can do something for someone. We need to carefully, but generously use the talents we have to help one another. Back to the sermon on the radio, if we use our gifts to help others, God will abundantly bless us. What goes around comes around! a positive way! From my devotion earlier in the week:
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights. James 1:17 Do you place a high value on your talents, your time, your capabilities and your opportunities? If so, congratulations. But if you've acquired the insidious habit of devaluing your time, your work, or yourself, it's now time for a change. Pearl Bailey correctly observed, "The first and worst fraud of all frauds is to cheat one's self. All sin is easy after that." If you've been squandering opportunities or selling yourself short, it's time to rethink the way that you think about yourself and your opportunities. No one can seize those opportunities for you, and no one can build up your self-confidence if you're unwilling to believe in yourself. So if you've been talking yourself down, stop. You deserve better. And if you don't give yourself healthy respect, who will? As I have grown in faith and confidence, I have known more and more that my worth is based on the love of God.

So, value yourself and the talents God has given you and share them with the world! Our friends and neighbors are still sharing their talents of cooking and generosity. We've had a wonderful opportunity to spend time with family and friends this past week, as well. The blessings God is showering down upon our family continue abundantly! Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.

Monday, May 03, 2010

May 3, 2010

Happy May, everyone! It looks as if we've got all the snow behind us now and spring is in full swing. I took my last final of this semester this evening. My other school year is winding down and the kids are winding up. Mom's been feeling pretty good these past few days. We had an extra special surprise on Sunday, when Aunt Bev and Uncle Mike from Illinois dropped by for a surprise visit! We haven't seen them in 20 years, so it was a very nice surprise. We had dinner together at Olive Garden and caught up on the last few years.

Mom will have a long day of appointments on Friday, hopefully with her labs coming back with great results. Other than that, there is little else going on. Mom has been keeping herself busy making thank-you cards for all of our wonderful friends who are taking such great care of us! She's also been spending some time at Michaels with me, as we have started hosting scrapbooking parties! Aunt Ann has been partaking of the festivities, as well, and served as chauffeur the last time. Phyllis joined us in March, but skipped out in April, so we're hoping she can come again in May. Mark your calendars for May 28 from 5-8:45 and be entertained if nothing else!

I've been busily working on getting some jewelry made for a small "event" in Kingwood. A co-worker of mine asked me if I'd be interested in selling some of my stuff at a jewelry and purse party they're hosting to benefit the middle school band, so I'm trying to get a nice selection put together for that. It will be my first gig like this, so if you're in the area and looking for a last minute Mother's Day gift, stop by the McGrew House on Saturday from 12-3.

I'll keep you posted on the happenings with Mom as we find out what's going on after her MRI on Friday. Keep praying that Cain and Abel have responded to the treatment and are no longer there! Have a blessed week!