Secondhand News

Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 31, 2009

We had another appointment yesterday with Dr. Torres, the neuro-oncologist. It went well and he spent some time with us answering some questions about the treatment and medications. Mom will continue her chemotherapy for at least an entire year, making it at least October until she's finished. Due to West Virginia state law, anyone having a seizure is not permitted to drive for one year following their last seizure. Luckily, Mom has only had that one seizure, and should be able to drive again in June. Dr. Torres ordered some blood work and we stopped in to get that following her appointment.

Justin and Allison have closed on their new house and the former owner moved out on Tuesday, so yesterday was moving day. They had a good turnout of family and friends to help pack up, load, drive, and unload their stuff. While we were packing stuff up, Dr. Torres called to let Mom know that her platelets were lower than he'd like and wants her to have blood work done again in two weeks to check on those platelet levels. He didn't say what the number was, so I'm not sure how much of a concern this is, or what it might be indicating, but please remember her in your prayers as we're still trying to beat this thing. The next round of chemo will start on January 2, at the same dose as the last one. Hopefully she is able to take this dose better than the last one and we don't have to worry about the nausea and feeling crappy for a couple days.

On our way to get the blood work done, I ran into one of my customers from Michaels. This man comes into the store very regularly to get candy melts for homemade cheesecakes that he sells. I saw him on the surgical check-in the day Mom had her surgery and hadn't seen him at the store since then. This man has been on my mind for months now because I assumed that he was having some sort of procedure done that day and then not having seen him buying candy melts I was concerned that something had happened with his surgery. Every time candy melts went on sale, I anticipated seeing him, and he didn't come in. Alas, yesterday as we were walking down the hallway, he passed us. I told him my concern for him and explained what I've just told here. It turns out that he works at the hospital and was visiting someone that day, not being admitted for his own surgery. He also said that he's been very busy making cheesecakes for the holidays and we must've just not been at the store at the same time. What a relief!

In other news, I scored some great deals on shoebox items at Michaels last night! Just a reminder to keep your eyes open for shoebox items and start collecting now for next November!!! If you collect a little all year, it will defray the costs and increase the amount you can give to others!

I hope each of you has a very happy, safe, and blessed 2010! Continue to remember us in your prayers. I will leave you with a thought from my devotion from earlier in the week. God does not comfort us that we may be comforted, but that we may be comforters. We are to pass along the comfort with which God has comforted us. There are countless opportunities to comfort others. Let this inspire you to resolve to be a comforter to others in 2010!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 28, 2009

The follow-up appointment with Dr. Jueng went very well. He is very pleased with the progress Mom has made and doesn't need to see her back until June. Well, Christmas is here and gone, and it's nearly 2010! What a year this has been. We had a wonderful Christmas with our family. A little Christmas dinner and some presents. Mom and I had a couple busy days on Wednesday and Thursday as we did some shopping for a family in our community who lost their house in a fire. We delivered to the family on Christmas Eve and it felt really good to see how much it meant to them. It's things like this that really emphasize how much better it is to give than to receive. This year it has become very evident as to how blessed we truly are, and what better way to praise God for his generosity than to share those blessings with others.

I don't know if many of you are familiar with Operation Christmas Child, but it is a charity that collects shoeboxes filled with Christmas gifts and delivers them to children in underprivileged countries. OCC intends to demonstrate God's love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Kingwood Elementary filled 79 shoeboxes this November. This year, OCC offered tracking on the packages and on Wednesday evening I received an email stating that our shoeboxes were sent to Central Asia and the Philippines. I encourage you to check out the website for OCC and make plans to pack shoeboxes with your family, church, and any other organization you are involved with. Our church is beginning a year-long effort to pack 100 shoeboxes for 2010, collecting items each month and then packing the boxes in November. Here is the link for the website. There are videos, photos, and lots of information.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!!! I realize it has been a loooooong time since I have updated and I apologize. I've been sick since Thanksgiving and am finally feeling like I'm getting the best of this thing. Mom completed another round of chemo just after Thanksgiving and had a little trouble at the end of the treatment. She spent a couple days not feeling very well, but has bounced back! We're trying to get all of our holiday shopping finished up and finish up preparation for the holidays.

Mom has been doing very well in the recent weeks. She got all of her Christmas cards made and sent, made some treats for her Sunday School class, and we tackled all the ornaments that she gives away at Christmas, as well. We've been staying very busy, and Mom is keeping up better than the rest of us. We got nearly a foot of snow and some much needed rest on Saturday as we were kind of snowed in. It was nice to have a day that we didn't have to be anywhere or do anything. Mom, Dad, and I spent yesterday shopping as he and I were both off. She and Dad are out again today, and following her appointment with Dr. Jueng tomorrow she wants to do some more shopping. Tomorrow with be the first follow-up appointment with Dr. Jueng since the end of her radiation treatments. Then we'll have another appointment on December 30 with Dr. Torres. All reports have been positive thus far and we're praying that the good news continues throughout the new year! Mom is due to start another round of chemo on January 2. Hopefully this time won't be as hard on her as the last one.

We still greatly appreciate an interest in your prayers. I hope that this Christmas season finds each and every one of you thankful for the many, many blessings that are bestowed on us each and every day. Spend quality time with your loved ones and remember the reason for the season!