Secondhand News

Friday, February 19, 2010

February 19, 2010

We're sitting in the Cancer Center right now, watching Rachel Ray while Mom gets her second treatment. Dr. Torres just stopped by and checked her out and is very pleased with her progress. He believes that the swelling in her brain is decreasing and he dropped her dose of steroids! Yay!!! He checked her strength on the left side and was pleased with that, as well. Looks like this new treatment is working effectively. We had a good trip over here, without snow or ice. The interstate was clear and 26 wasn't too bad. The cards are beginning to fill the mailbox again and it gives us something to look forward to each day, as the weather hasn't been too accommodating to do much else. Aunt Jean called from Florida to check in and said the weather was horrible there at 50 degrees. I'll have to take some pictures of the 40" of snow on our deck and post them!

Our family would like to express our sincere appreciation for everyone at Albright Power Station for their generous gift and continuous support. We have been overwhelmed by the kindness and concern of each of you. A special thank you to Linda Rae for organizing the meals that are continually arriving and to all of you who are providing them. Words cannot express how grateful we are to be surrounded by such loving and supportive friends.

This past week was Random Acts of Kindness week and I think this is a great start to spreading kindness to others. Make a conscious effort to spread kindness everywhere you go, not only this week, but every week! For ideas visit the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation website.

I hope everyone is staying safe and warm during our blizzard and getting prepared for the next storm to blow through on Monday. Stay tuned for some beautiful winter photos!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Mom's been on me to get this updated, so here we go. We've got over 30" of snow and we spent the whole week snowed in. We're expecting more snow tonight and tomorrow, so we'll see about going back to school this week... Mom is feeling pretty good and is recovering from the cough I shared with her. Luckily she didn't get it nearly as bad as I had it. I'm finally feeling better now, too. We're being very well taken care of by our friends and neighbors. Thanks to Linda Rae, Lindsay, Tammy, Bob & Kay, Joan & Eugene, and Jenny our refrigerator is full and we've even started utilizing our natural refrigerator outside, too. Mom wants me to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for thinking of us. From your flowers, cards, prayers, and the delicious meals, it is very much appreciated by our family. She also wanted to thank those of you who work with Dad, Justin & Allison, and me for all you have done for us. The mailbox has been a source of inspiration as Mom has received cards from so many people who continue to remember her in their prayers. Allison sent me an email to remind me to provide Mom's updated address as it has changed when we were given "physical" addresses. Anyway, the new mailing address is 8762 N. Preston Hwy. Albright, WV 26519.

We had a nice relaxing week here at home recovering from colds, coughs, and congestion. Mom and I got tired of watching tv one night and put together a puzzle. I had forgotten how much fun puzzles were! We were finally able to dig out on Thursday and make a trip to Bruceton and Kingwood, then Mom and I made a trip to Morgantown yesterday. Otherwise we've been trying to keep warm and cheering on the USA while enjoying the Olympics!

We continue to ask for an interest in your prayers and I urge you to remember the Jennings family as Jarrett was deployed to Afghanistan on Saturday and Jenny is in Tennessee with the three kids. Be thankful for the sacrifices of these individuals and their families as they allow us to enjoy the freedom and safety we have.

I will leave you tonight with a scripture I stumbled across while flipping through a magazine this week. Now may the
God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13

Enjoy your week. Try to stay warm and be thankful for the many, many blessings God has bestowed upon you!

Thursday, February 04, 2010

February 4, 2010

Mom continues to be responding well from her first infusion treatment. Justin and Allison spent all day yesterday at home with her and then the whole family ventured out for the Preston-Morgantown game last night. It was a disappointing loss, but it's been a nice opportunity to get out and see how many people are concerned and praying for our family. At every game, at least one person has approached us to ask how she's doing and to tell us they are continuing to remember our family in their prayers. It's comforting to know that no matter what you may face, you never have to go through it alone. The response of our family, friends, and co-workers has been so touching and it would be so much harder to get through this without you. My friends at school have been so supportive and it is so inspiring to work with such wonderful people! Please know that your expressions of kindness and concern are greatly appreciated. We are so blessed, and God has utilized this unfortunate sickness to show us all how truly fortunate we are. Sometimes we as Christians don't feel comfortable talking about our faith to our friends and co-workers, but this experience has opened the door to creating a welcoming environment and opportunity to have meaningful conversations. We share scriptures, pray together, and openly talk about God and His plan. A student teacher at my school commented to her host teacher how great it was to be in a place with so many other Christians. What a wonderful outcome from such an undesirable situation!

Today was a relaxing day at home. When I got in from work Mom and Dad were watching a movie. Linda Rae stopped in this evening and Aunt Ann dropped off some treats. We're getting settled in for what could amount to several inches of snow this coming weekend. Mom's next appointment is on Wednesday where she'll meet Dr. Julien and follow-up with Dr. Torres.

We're continuing to pray for a complete healing and a cancer-free report with this treatment. Thank you for a continuing interest in your prayers. The cards are beginning to trickle in again and Mom really enjoys receiving word of all the people who are thinking of her and praying for her. Thanks to Tina for her lasagna Wednesday night, Sue for the cookies today, and Linda Rae and Lindsay for taking care of a couple more meals with their delivery this evening. We appreciate all of you more than you know!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

February 2, 2010

Today was the first day of infusion chemo at the Cancer Center. Justin and Allison met us here at the house and drove over to the appointment with us, so the whole family got to be together. We arrived for the 11:00 appointment and it started off with labs. They had to establish a baseline, as well as determine if she was healthy enough for treatment to begin. They started her IV and had some trouble finding her veins, so there was some talk of having a port put in before she has many more treatments. The nurse told us that Mom would have a big part in that decision, so we'll see what she decides. It is a surgical procedure; however, she would be admitted and released within the same day. Because this will be a bi-monthly process for the next year, I would imagine we'll talk to Dr. Torres to get more information about having a port put in.

The labs took about an hour to complete, so treatment began at around 12:15. We visited the cafeteria while we were waiting. There are 2 medications that she is given and because this was her first treatment, they administer the medicines slowly to monitor her body's response and watch for allergies or other undesirable reactions. We watched tv, did some crossword puzzles, and sudoku while we waited, as well as thumb through several magazines. Treatment was finished just before 5:00 and she's scheduled to go for her second one on February 19. We have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Torres, and will meet Dr. Julien, the new neurosurgeon, on February 10.

The amount of support and comfort we have received from all of you is overwhelming. I cannot begin to thank you all for your gifts, kind words, willingness to help, and prayers. We are very fortunate, even during this difficult time, to have such caring friends. Thank you all!!!