January 30, 2010
No changes today. A few inches of snow on the ground and very, very cold temperatures. The news of Friday's appointment is finally beginning to set in and we're remaining strong and positive, sure of God's powers. This is only a minor setback and part of a greater plan He has for all of us. There must be someone at the Cancer Center than needs to be in contact with Mom, and that explains the change in course of treatment. Seeing the grace and strength she has demonstrated during her fight with cancer has been an inspiration to everyone she has met, so this is God's way of sharing her with others still. Dr. Haught is the neuro-psychologist who Mom is seeing through the Cancer Center and he expressed the importance of staying positive and having fun. Please know that your prayers, comments, cards, phone calls, and encouraging words help all of us stay focused on defeating this illness and appreciate God's hand in all of this. No one can go through something like this alone, and the support we're getting from each of you is inspiring and encouraging. Thank you!