Secondhand News

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15, 2010

Just a quick update before I go to bed. Mom and I met with Dr. Hazard and Dr. Dixon on Monday to arrange to have a port put in. Her surgery is scheduled for next Wednesday. It's just a minor procedure where a line will be inserted into a large blood vessel under her collarbone. The needle sticks were getting more and more difficult and the bruising on her arms were getting bad, so she finally decided to get the port.

Tomorrow we'll meet with Dr. Torres to get the results of the MRI she had this morning. We've had a very busy summer, so far. Every spare minute I'm trying to get things ready at my house so I can move in. Today Dad and I got all the grout down in the kitchen, entryway, closet, and bathroom. Thanks to Lana and her kids for their help in the pre-grouting stage. Hunter also discovered that demolition was exciting and he had a good time tearing tile off the upstairs bathroom walls. That's the next project and seeing that it's a much smaller room, I'm hoping to get it finished in just a couple days. Mom seems to be feeling better in the last couple days. Where she had been spending much of the time napping while Dad and I worked, she's done a little helping and some more supervising, but awake supervising instead of sleeping supervising.

Justin was home on Wednesday to help lay tile. He spent the night, so we all got to spend some time with him while he was here. There isn't much else to report. Aside from laying tile in the kitchen, there hasn't been much else going on at the house either. I'm hoping to get the upstairs bathroom finished next week and then hopefully set a move-in date.

I will provide an update on Wednesday sometime after Mom's home from he port surgery.


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