Secondhand News

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Happy job?

Driving home yesterday it occurred to me that there has to be a "happy job." I'm on the verge of a new career and until I arrive upon what it is I "want" to do, I'm considering random other options. Pondering this thought of a happy job, I've concluded that there is a more-pleasant option: a greeting card store!
-How often do you really frequent the greeting card store? It's not like you're going to have regular "bad" customers.
-Customers don't come into a greeting card store for "I hate my co-worker" cards, "I'm looking for reasons to annoy you" cards, or "I think I may have contracted genital herpes from you" cards.
-People require little assistance in choosing a card. In many instances, a customer is going to have a personal interest in what is being sent and not ask for help. As a matter of fact, aside from the actual purchase, what aid does anyone need in the gesture of card-giving?
-Most people who enter the store are going to be in a good mood. I love my significant other and I want to buy him/her a card to express this affection. My nephew is turning seven. A friend is getting married. You get the idea.
-How often do you go into a card store knowing exactly which card you wanted only to be angry that they're all out? NEVER! ah-haaaaaaaa! It's just not that big of a deal.
-You don't generally buy cards for people you hate, unless you work with them and they're leaving!
-Even if you are buying a card for someone who is going through a rough time in their life, your intentions are meaning well, so you're a generally good person... right?

I also considered why someone would be disgruntled. Let's say you're frantically shopping for a last minute baby shower gift and realize you need a card. Okay, so you're in a rush and don't want to look through hundreds of cutesy baby cards. You may be a bit irritated, but not disgruntled. The only other option I could think of was the situation that you're slightly bitter or maybe very bitter of the occasion that you're well-wishing. A wedding for a friend when you're still single. Baby congratulations when you've been unable to have children. Graduation congrats for your sibling when you can't pass Chem 117. But who's actually going to be so superficial that they show these negative feelings outwardly? They may be thinking it, but they're not going to say that they're jealous of someone else's good fortune.

I may be the next person you're buying your greeting cards from...


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