Secondhand News

Friday, February 03, 2006

Why did I choose a profession of compassion?

As an athletic trainer I am supposed to facilitate an athlete's healing and get them back to their previous or projected level of participation. I have an athlete who had ACL reconstruction in December. Initially, I was excited to have something to do at work and agreed to see this athlete twice a day for therapy. Three days a week for the a.m. session we would do aquatic therapy followed by rehabilitation in the training room, with the other two days being double sessions of the training room exercises. She is less than motivated to do her rehab and has recently decided that she doesn't need to follow-up with her doctor anymore. She discontinued using her crutches upon her own "professional advise," and has to be constantly reminded of the task at hand. She's the type of person that has to be praised for everything she does, showing up for rehab sessions, performing her exercises without being told, counting to 20, breathing... you get the idea. So she's recently been less than cosistant at showing up for rehab, and had to be reminded that if she doesn't make great strides in improvement within the next few weeks, she's not going to be able to return to participation. She has agreed that it is important to do her exercises and yesterday she did show up for her two sessions. Neglecting that she hasn't shown up for both or either session for the past two weeks, she apparently expected some sort of welcome back party, and was disappointed that I wasn't bubbling over with glee at her return. She proceeded to justify that she had shown up twice for her schedule rehab and that I should be proud of her. Proud? Why proud? You haven't shown up for 2 weeks, you aren't wearing your brace, you discontinued using your crutches against my advice, you haven't scheduled your follow-up appointment (which is 2 weeks late), and you haven't showered at anytime that could be considered recently. Excuse me if I'm not elated that you're back. I'm fresh out of patience and compassion right now. Grow up and deal with it. You are an adult, it's time for you to take responsibility for your well-being. MY KNEES DON'T HURT!


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