Secondhand News

Sunday, November 07, 2010

November 7, 2010

Here's the update of what's been going on with us. Mom had been getting along pretty well since we got her home from the hospital. She has needed to have someone here with her all the time to help her get the the bathroom and to assist with everything. She's been kinda shaky on her feet, so it has been necessary to help her get out of bed and move about. She spends most of the day in bed, and if we're lucky we get her up and out to the table to eat dinner in the evening. I cannot express enough gratitude to Phyllis and Trish who have been gracious enough to come and stay with Mom so Dad and I can still work.

This past Thursday, I came home from work at lunch and the occupational therapist and the physical therapist were here to work with Mom. They had concerns about the blood pressure reading they were getting. When they contacted the supervising nurse, she suggested that I have her seen at the ER. Dad and I decided that Preston Memorial would be sufficient for this instance and that the ambulance would be the best mode of transportation. So one of the therapists called 911 and we were off to the ER. After running tests, they were unable to determine the cause of the increased BP and released her to come back home. She was due to follow-up with Dr. Torres on Friday and re-start her chemo, so they gave us a stack of papers with test results and sent us on our way. On Friday, I took her to the Cancer Center for her appointments and Dr. Torres was concerned with the results of one of the tests and wanted to do some follow-up tests to rule out a blood clot. Due to the delay in deciding what to do with the test results, she was unable to get her chemo, which is supposed to be a new medication that hopefully will be more effective. She had to go to the ER for a CT scan, but they were unable to get an IV in; therefore, were unable to put in the contrast and couldn't do the CT. The next option was a test that would require her to stay overnight, and Mom told them she didn't want to stay, so Dad brought her home. It was a long day for her and she has been pretty worn out since she got home. Her chemo has been rescheduled for Monday morning.

At times it is difficult to keep updating this blog, seeing the decline in her condition in the last 4 months, and the news isn't as upbeat and promising as it once was. Please excuse the lack of frequency in posting. I know that many of you frequently check to see updates and I will continue to post. The toll this disease has taken on her body and mind is difficult to watch. From time to time we see a glimpse of the person she once was, as she'll throw out a funny comment or chime in on an inside joke. It's extremely hard to sit by, knowing that you are helpless to solving the problem.

Our entire family graciously thanks those of you who have brought meals, sent cards, visited, and prayed for us. Without your love and support, this difficult time would be unbearable. Please continue to remember us in your prayers. It is through Him that we receive our strength and healing.

On a side note, it is time once again to get your shoeboxes packed for Operation Christmas Child. We had a packing party at church on Saturday evening to assemble the boxes we've collected all year for. We were able to pack 105 boxes with supplies to spare. You can check out the OCC website at I encourage you to participate. Just one shoebox can change the life of a child!


  • Love you...that's all I know to say. I have been where you are.

    By Blogger Donna, At 10:11 PM  

  • Many prayers and cries out to our Lord from here in NC. Wish we could make it all go away and your mom would be up and around and we could hear her laugh and tell us the answers to those hard Trivia Pursuit questions. Hang in there, Misty. Thanks for the updates. Love you all.

    By Blogger Marcia Bolyard Miller, At 9:01 PM  

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