Secondhand News

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mom did get to come home yesterday. She had to take an antibiotic treatment at 7:00 p.m. and wasn't released from the hospital until after 9:00. She will be taking IV antibiotics twice a day for the next 6 weeks. The home health nurse came in today and taught Dad and I how to administer her medication and and maintain her port for the treatments. The current plan is to have her stay here at my house in Kingwood for the duration of the treatments, where I can run home and check on her from time to time throughout the day to make sure she's behaving.

I guess I should back up and explain what's gone on since the last post. We had to go back to the hospital on Thursday evening because the blood cultures that were taken at the hospital came back positive for MRSA. They began treatment Thursday evening. We initially thought that because the infection was located in and localized to her port, it would have to be removed. The report we received on Sunday showed that there was no longer an infection and as long as the cultures still grew no infection, she would get to come home on Monday.

Anyway, we're home and Mom's doing really well. Her sense of humor is gradually returning and she seems to be much happier to be home. If you'd like to send her a card, we're still picking up mail from home, but my address is 106 N. Price Street Kingwood, WV 26537. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and concern. Mom is a living testament to the miracles that God is performing every day!


  • It is not easy to fight against MRSA infection. For each particular case must determine the best mixture of two or more antibiotics, and then hope for the best. The more information we share is greater likelihood that the research progress faster. Greetings!

    By Blogger Donald, At 11:47 AM  

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