Secondhand News

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday, August 20

Treatment continues to go well and Mom has been doing very well. She has been very tired, but we were told that that is to be expected with the radiation. It's becoming a regular habit for her to have an afternoon and/or evening nap. I told her that's how we know the treatment is working! Our refrigerator continues to remain full despite our lack of trips to the grocery store! We greatly appreciate the thoughtfulness of each and every one of you who have made sure that we're not going to go hungry.

Today was my first day back to school. It was wonderful to see so many concerned friends and received hugs and words of love and encouragement. It's unfortunate that it takes something like this to bring people closer together; however, maybe that's just another one of the blessings associated with unfortunate situations. While today was a big boost for me emotionally, I'm going back with mixed feelings. It's going to be hard to be away from Mom and not go to her appointments and treatments every day. On the other hand, having gone through what's happened this summer, I feel better equipped to tackle this school year. Trivial problems at school (or anywhere else) just don't really seem to matter now, seeing "the big picture" putting everything in a much better perspective. God has put me exactly where He wants me to be. It makes me wonder what he was subtly trying to tell me that I wasn't hearing. I often think of Jonah and how loud and clear God's message was to him. Is this the whale that God sent to swallow you? Just something to think about.

One last thing, just to satisfy my curiosity, I've noticed that the number of views to my site has dramatically increased since I began posting about what's going on with Mom. There's no guest book, but I'm just curious to see how many people are actually keeping up with what's going on via this blog. So if you're reading, drop a comment and let us know! Thanks!


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