Secondhand News

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18, 2010

It's a lazy Sunday here in our house. Mom has been pretty worn out the last few days and has been taking advantage of not having anything that needs to be done. She continues to feel pretty good, aside from being tired. I haven't noticed any changes, good or bad, since the the beginning of the second treatment, so hopefully she continues to progress. Tonight will be treatment #13 of 21, so we're better than halfway there. We celebrated my birthday on Tuesday with some friends of mine from school and then she had her infusion treatment on Friday. Aside from that there isn't much else going on. Everything is greening up around here and we've had our first mowing of the year already this week. The weather had been pretty nice most of the week, but the temperature has dropped today and it's a bit chilly. Makes for a nice day to get back into your pajamas and take a nap! Our stomachs and hearts continue to be filled with the graciousness of our friends and neighbors. All of your kindness is greatly appreciated! Before I close for today I'll share a devotion from earlier in the week. After I read it initially I felt blessed to be able to surround myself with such great people!!!

Spend time with the wise and you will become wise, but the friends of fools will suffer. Proverbs 13:20 Here's a simple yet effective way to strengthen your faith: Choose role models whose faith in God is strong. When you emulate godly people, you become a more godly person yourself. That's why you should seek out mentors who, by their words and their presence, make you a better person and a better Christian. It takes a wise person to give good advice, but an even wiser person to take it.


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